Natalie Plain grew up aspiring to be the next Brian Williams and set her sights on becoming an NBC White House correspondent. Every class, every internship, every step was intended to achieve that goal. In the fall of 1995, she secured an internship in the White House under President Clinton and was well on her way to realizing her dream.

Upon her return home, she got a job at the local Orange County News Station. Then moved on to Hollywood, where she worked several years on the television series REAL TV and continued with Paramount Pictures on several projects.

While producing a feature on the eyebrow industry, she saw an opportunity she couldn’t resist pursuing.

There was a lack of products for consumers wanting to do their eyebrows at home. So, Natalie decided to pivot and launched Billion Dollar Brows (BDB).

In 2004 she started the company from her tiny apartment in Los Angeles with credit cards and a strong belief that she could create better products for the many consumers struggling to perfect their eyebrows at a reasonable price.


Plain family

Today a mom of two and an accomplished entrepreneur, Natalie continues to grow her brand. She is involved in all aspects of the business, from product creation to e-commerce and the supply chain process to marketing and day-to-day operations.

Inspired by the next generation of entrepreneurs, Natalie makes sure to share her experiences, the good, the bad and the ugly, through mentoring programs and workshops, her writing, one-on-one coaching, and speaking at events nationwide.